Friday, 2 March 2012

McKeag & Co Solicitors raise more than £5000 for Will Aid

McKeag & Co Solicitors of Gosforth has raised over £5000 for charity, by writing Wills for local clients as part of November 2011’s Will Aid campaign. Will Aid clients were offered a basic Will and asked to make a donation instead of paying the firm’s usual fees. The money raised is shared by Actionaid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, SCIAF, Sightsavers and Trocaire.
McKeag & Co has participated in the Will Aid scheme since 2002 and this year’s fantastic result brings their grand total to almost £18,000. The funds raised are being put to work by the Will Aid charities to make a real and immediate difference to the lives of the people in need in the UK and all over the world.
Conrad Cairns, lead Will Aid solicitor at the firm, commented on the success of the campaign:
“Having a Will is so important to make sure that you know exactly what will happen to your belongings or who will look after your children after you are gone.  Will Aid is a very effective way of raising money for important causes and writing your Will at the same time. We have written over 70 Wills through the Will Aid 2011 campaign and we are hoping to take part again in 2012.”
Will Aid Campaign Manager, Shirley Marsland, said:
The Will Aid charities are so grateful for the generosity and hard work of the team at McKeag & Co. This has been the most successful campaign to date and overall we expect to raise over £2 million. The Will Aid charities will be able to put the money raised to immediate use.
Christian Aid's Legacy Officer Ruth Tormey, visited the firm to present their Will Aid certificate and said:
“The support of McKeag & Co. is greatly appreciated by Christian Aid. Will Aid is very important to Christian Aid as not only do we receive a significant amount in donations but the campaign also provides an opportunity for people to leave Christian Aid a legacy.  Legacy gifts are crucial in enabling our work to eradicate poverty and change the systems and structures which cause it. Legacies of all sizes are incredibly valuable to Christian Aid – last year our income from legacies could have more than paid for all our work in Latin America and the Caribbean.”

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Many victims of crime to miss out on compensation

The Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke has announced plans to reform the current Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme.

Under the government funded schemes victims of a crime can make a claim for compensation for physical and mental injuries suffered. The new proposals will however mean that those who suffer from what will be classed as minor injuries, will not be entitled to claim.

The proposed reform has come under critisism as the definition of 'minor injuries' appears to include sprained ankles, broken toes and fingers, bruised ribs and even dislocated jaw.

Further changes to the scheme are aimed at preventing those who have been previously convicted of crimes from claiming for injuries caused by a criminal act committed against them, except in exceptional circumstances.

One proposed change will may well be welcomed is the requirement that all convicted criminals will have to pay a set amount into the scheme to boost the funds available.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Selling fast! - McKeag & Co Rose Ball 2012

Just a reminder about our McKeag & Co Rose Ball which is being held on 28th April 2012 at The Gosforth Marriott Hotel.

On the first day of sale 70 tickets were sold so book early to avoid disappointment!!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

McKeag & Co Rose Ball 2012

McKeag and Co will be hosting the First Annual Rose Ball in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support and AvMA on 28th April 2012 at The Gosforth Park Marriott Hotel.

Tickets cost £45.00 per person and price includes a Champagne Reception, Three Course Meal, including wine, and live entertainment from The Aaron Bayley Band, Ian Kendall, Close Table Magician and cocktails from 'Zestmixology'.

Tickets are now on sale!!!! To purchase either go to enquiries or telephone 0191 213 1010.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Group litigation ahead for PIP impants

Following the recent news in the media regarding the dangers of PIP breast implants, personal injury Solicitors have seen a number of women seeking advice on possible action.

Whilst the Government have offered to replace those implants which were fitted on the NHS those whose operations were done privately are unsure of the options available to them.

A number of national firms are considering group litigation.